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Instructions to the patient during root canal treatment

I. General Instructions:

  1. To treat your tooth you should expect to visit the clinic 3 -5 times.
  2. Although the treatment is generally painless, some complications may occur.
  3. It is 90% certain that the root canal treatment will be successful and will preserve your toot for several years.
  4. After the root canal treatment, your tooth should be covered with a crown or bridge for protection.

II. During the treatment
From the moment your treatment starts, you may have some complications with your tooth and the surrounding tissues. This may be caused by a pre-existing infection or by treatment itself. If you feel pain, pressure or swelling, follow the instructions below:

  1. Rinse your mouth with hot salt water (one teaspoon of salt dissolved in one glass of water) or chamomile. The solution should be as hot as you can tolerate. The rinsing should last for 5 minutes and should be repeated every one or two hours.
  2. If swelling occurs, place an ice pack outside the mouth and keep it there for 5-10 minutes. Repeat every 1-2 hours. In between this period complete the treatment with the hot mouthwash.
  3. If you feel pain take a common painkiller that you would usually use.
  4. If the pain is unbearable and the swelling increases, remove the temporary filling of the tooth and try to empty the fluids in the tooth with suction movements.
  5. Avoid using the area of the treated tooth for eating.
  6. If in the course of your treatment a complication occurs, it is not something you should worry about and it will not affect the outcome of the treatment.

III. After the treatment

  1. You may experience some sensitivity on the treated tooth for a few days. If you do, you may take an analgesic every 4-6 hours. Avoid chewing with the treated tooth until the sensitivity disappears completely.
  2. Although the root of the tooth was filled permanently, the crown is filled with temporary filling material, hard enough to last for several weeks.
  3. As the treated tooth runs the risk of breaking you should visit your dentist to restore it permanently with a filling crown. This will preserve your tooth for many years.